Be sure to read these tips for the best result!
Before the treatment
- Scrub the skin the day before with a gentle exfoliation
- Remove unwanted hair 24 hours before the treatment or even 48 hours in advance when waxing.
- Take a shower just before the treatment .
- Do not wear make-up, lotions, perfumes or deodorants before the treatment.
- Provide dark loose clothing for after the treatment .
- Wait 8 to 10 am before showering or sweating intensively. NO contact with water in this time span!
After treatment
- After 8-10 am you can shower
- Use a PH neutral soap to cleanse the skin and DIP DRY. Do not rub!
- Take a shower and avoid long, hot baths, spas, saunas or chlorinated water, they will fade the color.
- Keep the skin hydrated to extend the life of your Spraytan.
- Try to avoid excessive sweating (sweat = salt)
- To remove the spray tan, lie down in a nice warm bath and perform a peeling.
Frequently asked questions
- After spraying, the liquid will work for another 6 to 8 hours. During the shower, the superficial bronzer is rinsed away and only the developed color remains.
- Is it safe? The active ingredient is DHA (Dihydroxayacetone), a sugar-based derivative.
- How long will my color last? In very optimal conditions 7 to 10 days. The more you hydrate, the slower the skin renews.
- will there be streaks, just like the self-tanner from the store? No, the spray tanning is evenly atomized on the body so that no streaks are visible!
- What color will I be? This depends on your own skin color and the spray tan fluid used . Expect your skin to be 3 to 5 shades darker. Comparable to 8 tanning sessions and this without harmful rays.
- How long will it take to dry? The client can get dressed 3 minutes after the treatment.
Do I have to take off all my clothes? No, you choose this yourself. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and reassuring.
All staff is specialized.
- Will the color affect my clothes? Yes, but it is easily washable. Silk or cotton is more difficult, but this also works with Vanish. Your sheets can also slightly absorb the color.
After 8 am you can take a shower and then the bronzer is rinsed off and the developed color is released.
Only if you perspire a lot at night can there be a slight release of color.
- I'm going to a party how long in advance will I be coming?
It is best to come 2 days in advance. Then your tan is at its best.
- Do I still need to use sunscreen ? Yes, because spray tanning does not protect you against harmful UV rays .
but has no influence on the natural tanning process of the skin